Anthropology: The sad truth about uncontacted tribes
Anthropology: The sad truth about uncontacted tribes
One of the world’s last isolated tribes has ‘emerged’ from the forest. Is it to make contact, or have darker reasons forced them out? Rachel Nuwer investigates.
Uncontacted Tribes: Should We Leave Them Alone? | TIME
Uncontacted Tribes: Is it Ethical to Leave Them Alone?
Contact means dangers for both sides‚ but lack of contact does too
한 사람이 죽자 부족 전체가 사라졌다···아마존서 홀로 살던 원주민 사망 - 경향신문
한 사람이 죽자 부족 전체가 사라졌다···아마존서 홀로 살던 원주민 사망
브라질 아마존에서 생활하던 한 부족의 마지막 원주민이 숨진 채 발견됐다. 미접촉 부족의 소멸이 공식적으로 확인된 첫 사례다. 브라질 국립원주민재단(FUNAI)은 지난 23일(...
The Last of his Tribe - Survival International
The Last of his Tribe - Survival International
by Fiona Watson, 2005
'Man of the Hole': Last of his tribe dies in Brazil
'Man of the Hole': Last of his tribe dies in Brazil
The last member of an uncontacted indigenous group in Brazil had lived in total isolation for decades.
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